Exactly 6 years ago today I was doing the all - day prep for surgery Dec 27. Got the trifecta for my little 'moderately dangerous' G7(3+4). I am allergic to the surgical adhesive they used so I woke from surgery with quarter-sized blisters all over my belly, and that was just the start of the pain and damage.
Then that (3+4) turned out to be G(4+3) but.....just because they didn't see any G5's doesn't mean there weren't any there to find.
Now, after all of those treatments, I am on my way back to 1st round chemo real soon. Regrets? Only 1, and that would be not dumping the less-than-qualified urologist that missed it twice before I dumped his sorry ***** and went to a real doctor who found it - 12 out of 12 cores....2 years later.
Yep, sex was fun and I hope to experience that again someday, maybe. However, my life is vastly much more than just sex as is my relationship with my wonderful (menopausal and no longer very interested) wife.
No real regrets on treatments, though.
As for advice - we are advised to "be here, now" The past is dead and gone, there are no redo's on things that have already happened, so it is illogical to obsess on decisions already made. "much of our pain comes from our choice of attachments."
There is no sense in putting yourself through the shredder for water under the bridge you can do nothing about