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Definition of CRPC?
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Prostate Cancer
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Regular Member
Joined : Jan 2017
Posts : 107
Posted 12/28/2018 3:13 PM (GMT -5)
Has anyone been diagnosed castrate resistant without PSA rise or progression of disease? Husband's PSA at diagnosis (12/2016) was 74, Gleason 4+3, 3 bone mets and lymph nodes. After taxotere his PSA went down to 1.2. Started Zytiga and his PSA has remained at >.06 since 12/2017. Oncologist wants him to try Provenge and he qualifies since his files say he's castrate resistant.
The Definition of Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer that I found: defined by disease progression despite androgen depletion therapy and may be present as continuous rise in Sereum Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA Levels), the progression of pre-existing disease/or new metastases
Can one be diagnosed as CRPC due to initial diagnosis?
Granted he would reach CRPC eventually I just hate that it's already come to that and I don't understand why.
We won't see the doctor for another 3 months as he just received his 3 month Lupron shot so I can't ask him and I don't feel it's important enough to bother him.
I found out that he was considered CRPC from a nurse who looked at his file while I was on the phone with the office. The Oncologist has never used the term that I know of.
Thank you in advance!
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Posted 12/28/2018 7:05 PM (GMT -5)
If he is castrate resistant why did he have another shot of Lupron? If he is CRPC then the Lupron wont work and should not be given. He is responding to being castrate as he PSA is down and scans show Mets are diminished. Thus not yet castrate resistant as I understand the definition. It may be that the doctor is building a case to get Porovenge approved. But just because the file states he is CRPC, the insurance company will want the specific information regarding treatment, PSA, scans etc to make their determination.
You cant be diagnosed as CRPC. CRPC can only be determined after one is castrate, either chemically or physically, and the PSA goes up and/or the cancer shows other evidence of spreading.
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Posted 12/28/2018 7:10 PM (GMT -5)
JNF my understanding is that even if one is castrate resistant, Lupron (or it's equivalent) is still given as some of the cells will continue to respond to the Lupron. Oncologist usually add additional treatments such as Zytiga, Xtandi or chemo to hit those cells that are no longer responding to the Lupron. Prostate cancer cells have a tendency to mutate into something else several times. They have a strong desire (sadly) to live.
It will be interesting to see if the insurance company asks for proof, and if they do, what sort of proof because the scan (happily) and the PSA won't show it.
Thanks for responding.
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Posted 12/28/2018 7:28 PM (GMT -5)
Hey if he can get on the provenge bandwagon...on a technicality...go for are actually turning a positive into a negative your oncologist on this have this thing all mixed one here knows your oncologists logic...or what his connections are...less said about
it by your end,,,you and husband...better...I mean it would be a good thing to get provenge right??...or you could tell everyone who is outside the onc's loop your concern..." hey husband really is not CRPC...even tho I got it on paper he is is" you have know idea ofthe Onc's ability to work the systemw...just as I and you (oooh bad grammr...ooh) have no idea of how the medical system works the coding system on some of the minor stuff accepted...yet accept the results routinely...come on who here has not....shh...its not a sin....ok I will not be responding to this thread beyond this...why?,,,just because
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Posted 12/28/2018 10:13 PM (GMT -5)
Logoslidat - you always make sense.
Am I remembering correctly that you live in Hawaii? If so, Mahalo.
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Posted 12/28/2018 11:33 PM (GMT -5)
Union 98...sense...I love that word...I mean who can understand anything really...ahh...but sense something is geometric bursting free in all understand...stagnant locked in its own box...subject to an object...golden calf...wall street....walls of locks...cutting locks...must stop. the watches links...cobblers.blues..Fulton J Sheen...whats it mean...what to do...what to do...see what ya made me do...…………………………………………………..Life is Worth Living in all ways...always.....Happy worry bout me ...crazy as I wanna be
Oops yes that would be me...never heard a thank you in Hawaii...we just wink our hearts.....wonders wonders wonders
actually the word I never hear in NOT maholo...ya hear that all the time...but is I have never heared the word your welcome in Hawaiian...and the rest..apologies to Union I cherish your mahalo
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Posted 12/29/2018 9:39 AM (GMT -5) me,,, edit bump for Union98
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Posted 12/29/2018 1:30 PM (GMT -5)
Logoslidat - we just spent two wonderful weeks in Hawaii for our 35th anniversary - five nights on Oahu staying at Pats in Punalu'u and then the remainder of the time on Maui in Kahana Point. We will definitely be back . . .
hauʻoli makahiki hou
Veteran Member
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Posted 12/29/2018 9:50 PM (GMT -5)
You great stay...We are on Maui...Wife from Big Island...that where I met her back in the late...lived 5 years on Molokai...which was fabulous...went there with a 6 month old left with a 6 month old and one in between..We love maui...but do need to get gets pretty small...You had a good stretch of wx if I recall...deep deep...blues...greens...and rust you have discovered...the traffic and drivers...are nuts...wasn't like that back in the day...but what is...regards..
Wings of Eagles
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Posted 12/30/2018 1:50 AM (GMT -5)
I agree with Logo, ...though I cannot state it quite as eloquently as he!...tee -hee! Go for the Provenge ...if Insurance accepts it.
Just sayin.
Wings aka Dan in So Cal
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Posted 12/31/2018 3:56 PM (GMT -5)
First, let me say that your husband and I have been on VERY similar trajectories these past two years. As you'll see from my sig below, I had PSA of around 60, then started casodex, then Lupron, then a few months later did 6 docetaxel sessions beginning in Feb of '18. After all that, PSA was around 0.7 and a C11 Acetate scan showed much reduced bone mets from prior year. 90-95% reduction. Then I stopped Casodex and started Zytiga (same day) a few months ago. PSA drops continued to 0.6 for a few months, then 0.5 and latest 0.4. Still on 3-month Lupron, Zytiga, prednisone and xgeva (for bone mets)...
My question for you is: Do you NOT think the Zytiga is working, even though you've been at 0.6 for quite awhile? I'll have to read up on the CRPC, but I've been under the impression that even if I stayed at 0.4, the Zytiga was "helping to keep it there" as opposed to having become ineffective.
Haven't done much to respond to your question (!) but wanted to share and to ask a question of my own. All the best to you and your husband in 2019! He's SO lucky to have you!
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