mattamx said...
The very legitimate question that always arises in these discussions is why do surgery if you’re pretty sure you’ll need SRT? Why not just do RT as primary tx? I agree with that very much. But, in my case I had big problems with urine flow prior to treatment. My RO indicated primary RT could make things even worse. I concluded the wide surgical cut would be worth the ED if I could pee again, and hopefully be cured.
Well, my flow improved for sure but I still have to pee frequently, including several times during sleep. Which has been disappointing because I thought it would turn out better.
Point is, primary RT isn’t always a given, and there can be reasons for the RP/RT route. But, the idea of choosing an RP because you can save the RT for later is usually BS, and poor advice in my view.
That certainly seems a good rational for your choice for surgery, and there are no doubt others. I had mine at the time, even if I do often wonder what was I thinking. But I'm sorry to hear about
your frequent bathroom trips. On an over all basis, I certainly would choose different if I had it all to do over again and knew what I know now(but who really does?) Even if I had gotten my hoped for "cure" - if I had been contained- couldn't RT have given me the same odds with better odds of taking care of anything that might have escaped? Of course, and most likely without the cursed SEs, or at least better and later.
However, if there has been one positive an wonderful thing about
this otherwise life altering procedure, it has been the end of the prostatitis and BPH miseries. I have suffered with on and off prostatitis since age 30, and my prostate was 106 gms. I was routinely up every couple of hours to pee, but never really able to empty that dammed up bladder. But since the day the catheter came out, even though I woke up 110 years old in the sexual department, in the urination department I am 16. (not counting some minor spasms requiring a lightning fast Kegel a couple of times a day, not a very big deal) There are times when I am in the bed 8 straight hours without ever waking up to pee. Sometimes when I leave the house and I am gone 3 or 4 hours, or on a long car trip, when I get back home I pee but sometimes I don't even really have to go, I just go because it seems like I ought to. I don't mean to be bragging, but got to brag about
something. But I'd trade all of that if I could be back the way I was before surgery, even with the troublesome prostate issues, if I could also dodge the G9 PC problem. which, with RT, I probably could. But I can hold it for hours and then pee like a racehorse. So there was some good that RT probably could not have accomplished.