Posted 1/15/2019 12:38 PM (GMT -5)
Hi geop,
Hello, I'm new to this forum & a very concerned wife, so when I found your post it gave me some hope.
First off I'm glad you've responded to treatment & it sounds like you're doing well.
My husband received a call from our GP this past week and we were told his PSA is off the charts @150 & we should see him ASAP. I immediately read up on things which was probably not a great idea, but I wanted us to be well informed. He did a DRE that was negative, lymph nodes were normal on palpation; & a urine sample was negative for blood. More blood work & a full head to toe work up are being scheduled, CT scheduled for this Friday, MRI, bone scan, & biopsies will likely follow; & from what I'm reading, a referral to Urologist/oncologist. We live in Canada, so nothing is done quickly.
Some History: My husband had a botched L sided inguinal hernia repair in 2015 which left him w nerve damage & pain in his testes. The urologist performed a scope into the L teste in 2016 & it was negative. He was diagnosed w Osteoarthritis in his feet & hands last year. He had lots of pelvic floor physio in 2017 which really helped & has been back working fulltime for over a year now. He's 56 this year & a welder & literally can drink 3-4 litres of fluid/day depending on how busy he is @work & how much he sweats. So the fact that he was voiding lots didn't surprise anyone. But its gotten worse these last few months & affecting him @night. He had a bit of bloody d/c when he voided last week which was suspicious especially in combination w increasing urgency & nocturia which led to the PSA test, but we were not expecting anything like this. A PSA done in 2009 was 2.5. He was put on Flomax last week & it's helped already w the urgency. We're definitely frightened & we haven't slept much. Not telling any family or friends till we know more. I'm only finding grim case studies online. So we wait!!
Does anyone have any knowledge where the PSA is in the triple digits & it's turned out to be prostitis or BPH & not PC w metastasis? Could the constant irritation from the inguinal pain hike the PSA like that, or is it wishful thinking? I appreciate we can't see into the future, but being prepared is always good & any comments would be helpful right now.