One of the difficulties in setting up a website is that you are never certain how anyone gets onto the specific pages of the site and how they then find their way around the site. I have recently been updating some of the pages on the YANA – You Are Not Alone Now website – a continuous job like painting the Golden Gate Bridge. I haven’t had much time to do that for a while, but now I have a team of men who volunteered to help me. I was astonished to hear from some of them that they had no idea that there was so much information on the site, despite the fact that they had been ‘users’ for years. So I thought I might just put a short note out to let anyone interested know a bit more
The main site is in two parts. For newly diagnosed people we suggest that they follow the path that goes to these pages. It really helps to do this because they gain a greater understanding of all the issues they have to deal with.
DON’T PANIC SOME GOOD NEWS DIAGNOSIS SURVIVING TREATMENT CHOICES RESOURCES The second part of the site is, I believe, unique in the prostate cancer world. It contains the detailed experiences of over 1,100 men, told in their own words. Most of the stories are updated on a regular basis and the data base can be searched. This means men can match up their diagnosis with other men who had the same diagnosis and correspond directly with them. Whilst no decision should be based solely on what another person did, because there are so many variables, it can help to gain an understanding of all the options.
The relevant page is
SURVIVORS STORIES There are Site Search Engines on a number of pages which help you find specific information.
All the best