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Need some advice hyperbaric treatment and incontinence
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Regular Member
Joined : Mar 2013
Posts : 114
Posted 2/17/2019 5:38 PM (GMT -5)
Hi guys. Just trying to get some advice to help the hubby. Last fall he was having bleeding in the urine so in November they did a procedure to Roto-Rooter and take some biopsies. They tried to scope but couldn't get through. Biopsies came back negative they were worried about
bladder cancer. Evidently he's got damage from his Salvage radiation five years ago. He started Hyperbaric treatments he is on 35 of 40 treatments. The bleeding has stopped and the pain has stopped. But the real issue is incontinence. He never had a problem with it prior to his prostectomy and only had a few weeks of problems following. We had five good years with no incontinence or ED issues. It is all I can do to get him to talk about
it. He won't even let me buy supplies thank goodness for Amazon. There is no ED issues physically... just emotionally he has no desire. Which is totally fine I just want to help and support him. He says his incontinence is fine if he's sitting and sleeping but the more active he is it just gets worse. I guess he uses a pouch thing and a heavy pad and he says he soaks through those and even at work the other day it went on to his pants. I don't know what to do to help. All he says is I'm 48 and I shouldn't have to live this way. I told him to make an appointment with a urologist and he said that they told him that was a side effect from the procedure that they did and might be something he just has to deal with. I told him to make an appointment anyway. Any advice on what to do with the soft hearted hard-headed husband?? Thanks Alison
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/17/2019 8:37 PM (GMT -5)
Alison, No, he shouldn't have to live this way. There are options for him...and a good urologist can help with it. yes, they involve more interventions that he may not want.
They can put in an AUS (artificial sphincter), or they can do "sling" surgery to tighten things up. They both work, and many men have found them helpful.
Beyond that, he needs to know that he's not alone--we're here....
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Posts : 114
Posted 2/18/2019 1:19 AM (GMT -5)
Thanks for the response
I will have him call the urologist. I was also wondering if incontinence kinda rollercoasters sometimes better sometimes worse, or is it a gradual thing that keeps getting worse??
Elite Member
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Posted 2/18/2019 2:05 AM (GMT -5)
The hyperbaric treatments can help. A couple of men on the site have done.
and he shouldn't have to live this way. As Halbert said, there are options and he should talk to a URO about
the AUS (lots here have had that and it seems to work).
advice for dealing with husband? No, won't go there. ;)
Just lots of love and a few kicks up the backside might help.
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/19/2019 1:57 AM (GMT -5)
I did hyperbaric - 60 total sessions. It was a lifesaver. I had been having to have catheters on a regular basis, and the blood clots would clog them, meaning sometimes two and three trips to the ER in one day. I've only had a few days with bleeding since then.
My incontinence has gotten worse over time, but we believe that it is due to the constant chemo over the last 16 months.
Regular Member
Joined : May 2014
Posts : 72
Posted 2/22/2019 10:21 AM (GMT -5)
I share a similar PCa treatment history with your husband. Continent after RP surgery, incontinent after salvage RT and two stricture ablation (roto-rooter) procedures. It was manageable when sitting or sleeping but virtually uncontrollable when active - working, bending, lifting or normal living. When it was clear it wasn't going to get better and a spare pad in every pocket and a change of clothes couldn't get me through the day, I tried a penile clamp just to be able to function while I investigated the obvious long term solution of an artificial urinary sphincter (AUS) that others have mentioned.
That was ten years ago and I'm still pondering the AUS because it comes with its own set of concerns and because the clamp has been pretty effective. It has drawbacks - some leakage so I still use a pad, can cause discomfort or skin irritation and certainly isn't a pretty sight, but it has allowed me to function almost normally again.
A google search of "male incontinence clamps" should turn up lots of options. Its not an ideal solution but might be worth considering given his current situation.
All the best,
Veteran Member
Joined : Jan 2013
Posts : 590
Posted 2/22/2019 5:56 PM (GMT -5)
Biker56, never thought in my life I would be thankful for something like a penile clamp. Oh how I wish there was something like hyperbaric treatment or anything that could turn around my 100 percent incontinence. Nearly dry after Da Vinci surgery but then had to have SRT and that changed everything. Decided on AUS and it turned into an absolute nightmare. Had to have it removed 2 weeks after surgery. AUS is no longer an option I would ever consider again. I thought there was nothing to help my condition....going through more than 20 pads a day. Then I tried a penile clamp. It is far from perfect. It still leaks sometimes. It can cause irritation. But when it is working properly I only use 3-4 pads a day and that is most days. I always take a change of clothes with me and extra pads because there have been accidents due to improperly placing the clamp. But for me it is the best alternative I can find so far for my incontinence.
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