Posted 2/26/2019 1:39 AM (GMT -5)
Here’s a look at my numbers Patrick.
The day I went from .00 to .01 has been the toughest day of my journey. When told I had cancer, to be honest with ya Patrick, it really didn’t bother me all that much. I’d done general reading about prostate cancer during the preceding years to know enough to know that most people live long lives after a dx of PCa. So, it wasn’t that big a deal to me for that, or for whatever reason. (At least consciously). I didn’t have all these black out, out of body experiences that most seem to have had. It was more like, I just kin of dreaded the treatment.
My time came several months after surgery when I went from .00 to .01. I will never forget that phone call. It’s was truly an out of body experience. It was at that moment that this thing got really real for me. It wasn’t until then that it truly hit home.
It certainly changed things. Psa’s have taken on a bit more uncertainty. When it got to .05, the prior rises began to work on my expectations. When it’s going up, it’s more difficult. Going down, not so much. Like some breathing room I guess maybe.
Point is, I’ve accepted the fact, at least as we speak that, I cannot predict the next psa test. So, don’t do like I did. Where when it went up, I kind of expected it to keep going up. That not only a hard way to live but, you’re kidding yourself because, it may very well go down next time. You just don’t know. So, don’t be thinkin’ “Here we go. Up, up and away we go!”. Nope. That not how this works. It could be better news, or it could stay the same.
If it’s moving at all, it’s not moving a lot, fast.