Pratoman said...
.......................Andrew, thanks so much.........On the cholesterol issue, I agree that it’s not always important.
I NEVER had a cholesterol issue, the highest it’s been has been 160. Right now, on a minimal statin dose, it’s 106. But TGL always a problem. ......................I need to do that again, as TGL is back to 289 (down from 392 a few months ago 😢.) Unfortunately I am going on a 12 day cruise Monday.........................................
Billybob, thanks, as always good stuff. I will look at the link later.
2 things
1. I’ve not read anything specific about sat fat being bad, it’s just been ingrained in me , like most folks, over the years. I’ve read plenty about sat fat not being a problem tho, just have a hard time buying in. But I guess the proof is in the numbers
2. A small rise in ldl wouldn’t be a problem for me, my LDL has consistently been 25-29 over the last few years.
I think you are right, the proof is in the numbers. And what huge proof in your very own numbers, right? Your total cholesterol has never been over 106, is that right? Mine runs 190-220. Back in 2000, after 6 months of Atkins style eating(1st Sugar Busters, then The Zone for a few months, and finally straight out Atkins for the last month or 2) my lab was(I'm using this old one because I have a copy handy on my computer and it followed the 6 months of low carb with plenty of sat fat: butter, Rib Eye steaks, etc): Total C: 191(maybe up a few points),
LDL 128(up a few points), HDL 51(way up from the high 20s or low 30s)
and TGL 59(down from something over 200, can't remember the exact #, but it was flagged as over the top limit of 200 on previous test). BP down from 140/90 to 103/60. No medications could match the over all improvements in these results.
Recent tests, when I have usually not been eating low carb/high fat(have not had any test in a several years) Total 221, LDL 165, and HDL 39. TGL 84. All somewhat worse from my previous visit, and way worse than 2000, including TGL working there way back up. (but still better than from back when I watched my fat intake and was over 200). So, since these were all up, my doc told me that any other doc would already have me on statins, and he wanted me to have a Calcium score to further quantify my risk. So I did, and my score was ZERO. So, he stopped pushing me towards statins.
Point is: how valuable do you think those cholesterol numbers actually are as far as our cardiac risk? How could I have such lousy numbers, and yet they were not able to measure even a hint of actual blockage? Your numbers have always(except for TGL) been much better, even GREAT, and yet? And as for your TGLs, how much have expensive drugs with possible serious SEs helped compared to simply cutting carbs? How much has some docs advice to lower sat fat helped with those TGLs?
I know what you mean about
it being ingrained into us that sat fat is evil. It is the same with my wife, it is just hard for her to not see sat fat as a problem. We have almost been brainwashed in regards to that for 50 years or more. They have taught us that sat fat makes us fat, raises our cholesterol and gives us heart disease. I get a lot of otherwise useful nutrition info from Greger at , and that guy is an absolute fanatic against sat fat and cholesterol. He even thinks sat fat causes T2 diabetes! But again, the proof is in the numbers. And I don't think these 2 facts are much debatable:
1:if carbs are also lowered, an increase in sat. fat(or not) will result in a drop in TGLs.
2: If sat fat is increased, HDL increases, probably with or without lowered carbs. Ever notice over the years how many people are able to lower their total and LDL cholesterol with low fat diets and statins complain that they can not raise there HDL from low levels, or it even goes down along with the LDL?
Any one bucking the conventional wisdom and eating original Atkins style(no limits on sat. fat, only limits on carbs) for a few months is almost guaranteed to see a spike up in HDL(far more than any increase in LDL) combined with a dramatic drop in TGLs. It happens over and over with people I know, and in studies. Though I think it is the lowered carbs doing the TGL magic, I don't know if the saturated fat is helpful, harmful, or neutral in that regard. I think it is probably very helpful in regards to HDL, but I don't really have a study showing increased saturated fat raising HDL that was not also combined with lower carbs.
Enjoy your cruise! That should be an orgy of carbohydrates! Always tends to be for me! Have fun! (BTW, if sat. fat is just to scary for you, you can just eat tons of olive oil, though it might not be the best thing for cooking. Main thing is though, low sat fat or high, lots of olive oil or not(don't increase corn or soy oil etc) lower those carbs to kick TGLs butt) I know that you know this already.
Post Edited (BillyBob@388) : 3/9/2019 9:39:44 AM (GMT-7)