I just read of a trial that covers all costs and pays $200 . It's just for gay and bisexual men (which is why I'm quoting 2019guy's previous post) You can read about
it and start the entry process here: https://malecare.org/restore and on clinicaltrials.gov
https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03343093?term=malecare&rank=1 I'm considering joining this, as I suffer from severe urinary incontinence from my prostate cancer treatment,early on.
2019Guy said...
Thank you all for your valuable input. The trial in question is in Palm Desert, CA (next to Palm Springs, home of golf, gay men and gawdawful heat.... but I hear it's a very nice place nonetheless, and besides you can go see where Sinatra, Hope and several former presidents laid their heads 'n clubs) and is for laser focal ablation. I've spoken with the study director who is very nice, generous with her time and quite brilliant. Reading the paperwork leads one down to the bottom line mentioned, but that isn't of course on the link below.