Blackjack said...
BillyBob@388 said...
...and still makes me wonder if I am staying away from something that would be beneficial for my mental health.
Really? You're wondering about
the direct relationship between sex and mental well being...? This is
very widely documented by many, many mental health professionals...I think this has got to be a favorite subject in psych school.
You don't have to "wonder" about
it any longer. Sex IS linked to mental well being. Don't take my word alone...just google "sex and mental well being." Or conversely, google "sex deprivation and mental health" and learn about
"sex anorexia."
Sex can relieve stress, anxiety and depression (the exercise one gets in vigorous sex helps physical well being, too...I've been known to drip sweat on my wife, but usually I try to wipe my brow with the back of my hand or forearm first). Sex can increase your self-esteem (feeling nurtured, desired and consequently good about
yourself). Sex can lead to greater intimacy with your partner (gotta love those endorphins and serotonin). Sex can help you get great sleep, which brings plenty of mental and physical benefits. Even sex with your self helps some of those things (not all), and also keep in mind that some docs will tell you that masterbation (deliberate sp), while bringing some benefits, also promotes loneliness.
I give a lot of presentations in my job. Some of the best advice I read about
being stressed about
public speaking was: don't stay up late, have sex, cuddle together, and have a restful sleep. Oxytocin released during orgasm promotes better sleep. That's memorable advice, although I don't personally follow it closely...another of the beneficial learnings for couples our age is to consider morning sex. The notion of "morning wood" is a real thing for men of
all ages because your body (and your partner's) function more efficiently after a night's rest...and this is particularly beneficial for older men who want to stack the odds in their favor for the best possible outcomes. Besides, the alcohol from a cocktails or two followed by some wine at night works in the opposite direction...
Apple a day? Try switching to an orgasm a day to keep the doctor away.
Really? So, your telling me that sex is not only fun but good for mental health, and it might even be depressing or mentally unhealthy to be deprived of sex? Wow, who would have thunk it? That is fascinating information you supply, something I never would have guessed at! No wonder I get unhappy sometimes when I think about
what has been lost.
Unfortunately, your reply had nothing to do with my post. I said not a word about
" wondering about
the direct relationship between sex and mental well being". I actually don't wonder about
that at all. I said "and still makes me wonder if I am staying away from something that would be beneficial for my mental health.", referring to the penile prosthesis that PDA had mentioned. And wondering if that would be worthwhile. Sure, being able to have glorious sex like I still could 5 years ago would be wonderful for my state of mind. But just being able to get hard enough is not neccesarily going to accomplish that, just like injections and pumps did not do so.
IOW, there is a lot more to sexual pleasure than being able to get a prosthesis supplied erection. Which if I could do that, it likely would not over come the many other issues I had previously mentioned before the statement you quoted, like lack of any pleasurable sensations with orgasm, probable shrinkage by now, climacturia, and a partner who though willing, is really uninterested and would just as soon not. Which knowing that she is not really in to it, takes away a good bit of the pleasure for me. An implant might or might not help with some or all of those problems, leaving me to wonder if it is worth the risk and trouble of another operation. THAT is what I wonder about
. However, although your comments do not apply to my post, and did not give me any new information, they are more or less correct, as far as I can tell. Thanks for the info.
Fixed a formatting problem that made the text hard to read. -- PDAPost Edited (BillyBob@388) : 4/24/2019 11:07:09 PM (GMT-6)