This is yet another unfortunate 'side effect' of calling leuprolide chemotherapy "hormone therapy" or "androgen deprivation therapy". I deeply appreciate that the docs want us to undergo this therapy and that it is/can be effective so they pad (misstate or understate) the descript
ion to get us to undergo it, 'for our own good'. Simply calling it "hormone therapy" gives the impression that it is relatively benign when it is definitionally not.
Here is a partial list of potential side effects from the manufacturer. note that the list of potential side effects contributed by the drug manufacturer are intended to meet legal requirements, not to convince folks not to use these drugs. They word these such that it will minimize negative impact on drug sales while meeting those legal requirements.
When you read "testicular shrinkage" you are
actually being informed that this drug class may kill your testicles and they may not ever return to normal. 'Vision changes' means that you may not be able to see well enough to get your car to the curb safely if that suddenly hits while you are driving, "Common (1% to 10%): Hypertension, murmur, phlebitis, thrombosis, arrhythmia, angina, myocardial infarction" , "pituitary apoplexy" is a stroke/bleed in your pituitary gland with likely permanent damage.
The frequent nausea attacks at breakfast were lodes of fun.
Leuprolide chemotherapy is just that - chemotherapy. No, it is not as immediately or blatantly harmful as some other chemotherapies, but it is certainly not a walk in the park or without permanent side effects. Truth in advertising is all I ask, let the docs tell us like it is and don't try to sugar-coat it.