JNF said...
about a third of the time the Gleason score is upgraded surgical pathology. Not what you want, but not uncommon.
Your report confirms that the PCa is not organ confined and will require additional treatment. Your docs will want to move quickly to start ADT and then radiation, including the pelvic lymph nodes. As Mumbo mentioned there may be additional scans to determine whether there are detectable Mets elsewhere.
Gleason 9 is very high risk and can be very aggressive. You must treat it aggressively.
the upgrade is not uncommon but 3+4 to 4+5 is a real kick in the nuts. one reason I never tell anyone to "take your time" and also why you have to consider that actual pathology could be worse than what biopsy shows.
I'd be pushing for ADT ASAP to push SRT out to heal a bit. good luck to you.