Pratoman said...
In this thread, WeDavis talked about his struggle with the SE’s of ADT.
It brings up the question, that might be of interest to many, now and in the future, “what are you doing to improve yourself after, or even during, ADT?
For me, I’d start with a warning... just know, that if you are not proactive when you start, you will pay a price. I didn’t change diet , get more active, or do anything else special, and I’ve lost muscle mass and gained weight, developed a beer belly, without drinking beer. I’ve also got side handles to accompany the beer belly.
And as was mentioned by many in the thread linked above, I’ve got trigger finger in3 fingers on my left hand, and 2 fingers on my right, one finger on each hand was resolved with cortisone shots. The other fingers are really bothering me a lot, especially in the morning.
So what am I doing about it? I finally came to my senses, and am getting proactive.
On Friday, I’m having surgery to correct the trigger finger in my left hand, then 3vweeks later, surgery on the right hand
I started yoga, which is helping with my flexibility
I’m walking again, 2 miles a day
I started lifting weights again. Light weight due to a torn rotator cuff, but lots of reps, so I really feel it.
Unfortunately the surgery will force me to stop lifting and stop yoga classes for 6 weeks. But I can still do lots of the stretches I learned in yoga class.
I also am seeing a Nutitionist, that I’ve seen in the past, and am following her instructions almost to the letter, modifying my eating habits
I’m hoping I can at least control what I can and get back to myself.
What is everyone else doing to improve their post ADT self?
I want to thank you.
It was your posts on this subject that gave me the awareness so I could "defend" myself against this.
Since I started ADT I have lost 10 pounds. (4 months ago)
I walked 3 miles a day until last week when I "had" to reduce it to 2 miles. (the last two days have been very difficult, I think it's more from the radiation, I am 3 weeks into the daily radiation)
I cant answer your question as I am not post ADT but I am doing well so far.
Again, Thanks!
I could well have been blind sided and not started walking and pushed myself to continue if not for your posts.