halbert said...
F8, I agree. And, we have also discussed the psychological burden of AS--that some guys just aren't wired for it. I get it.
As far as urologists going from diagnosis to surgery in a blink of an eye--I'd like to think this is getting better, but who knows. I, personally, will always be grateful to my diagnosing uro who basically told me these points:
1. That I had a few months to decide what to do.
2. That if I wanted to go for AS, he would manage it for me.
3. That if I wanted open surgery, he would do it. (Small town hospital, no robot on site)
4. That if I wanted robotic surgery, he would refer me to a good one, and he would manage my post surgery care.
5. That if I wanted radiation, he would refer me, and would manage my post treatment care.
The longer I'm in here, the more I realize just how lucky I was to start with him.
Note that this was in a small town in rural Illinois, about mid-way between St. Louis and Indianapolis, 200 miles south of Chicago.
yeah you were lucky to get a good doctor. my doctor told me:
1) "you need to make a decision in two weeks, not two months"
2) "you will most likely need follow up treatment and I can't recommend surgery"
3) "once the target (prostate) is removed there's a greater likelihood of permanent SEs"
4) but if you don't want to wear diapers the rest of your life i'm your guy"
5) "the best news is your insurance will pay for everything"