Posted 3/28/2020 4:06 PM (GMT -5)
Hello, KMCLARK1,
You are a loyal comrade, and I want to let you know we are here to support you as you begin your series of chemotherapy treatments.
Anything I can do, please know I am here. Reach out, post, or send me an email, anytime. We're in this together.
With the current virus situation, do ask your oncologist if you can receive NEULASTA injections, after you begin treatments.
You have seen the commercials ---- NEULASTA can help bolster immunity. In my case, after my first chemotherapy infusion, my oncologist determined I needed NEULASTA. The shots are expensive, but my insurance covered the cost, in my case.
Above all else --- comrades here have worked together, as a team, creating a thread for any brother here who is beginning TAXOTERE chemotherapy infusions.
Go up to the top of your screen. Find the search icon. Type in this thread title as follows:
You will immediately find the thread, started by Madeline Smith. It will give you insight and ways to navigate treatments and mitigate side effects. Trust me --- look it up, print it off, and read the first-hand tips and suggestions.
Football players memorize their team playbook --- consider that thread your playbook for your upcoming treatments.
I was my oncologist's first patient to go through a series of TAXOTERE chemotherapy infusions, when the "early chemo plan" first became recommended.
For me, that was in the fall of 2014. I know it helped me, attacking the cancer in a new way.
My father stands alongside me, as a fellow prostate cancer patient, as well. I participate in an annual 5K prostate cancer charity walk, and my dad has been involved in the Relay For Life events.
Dad gave me a Relay For Life t-shirt. It's emblazoned with this message, that I want to share with you today:
"We are the COURAGEOUS ... we are the PASSIONATE ... we are the DETERMINED ... WE ARE HOPE!"
I love that t-shirt, and its message is what I wanted to share with you today, above all else.
Keep in touch, keep posting, stay determined -- and always remember --- you have ALL of us here, standing alongside you, KMCLARK1 !
Sent with loyal comradeship --- from "one brother to another brother" ---
Iowa State University CYCLONE