Posted 4/10/2020 2:30 PM (GMT -5)
Hello RobLee,
I give THANKS, hearing of your son's good news.
I have a story for you, to share with him ...
My dad stands alongside me as a fellow prostate cancer patient ...
But going back, 25 years ago, Dad was suddenly diagnosed with acute leukemia.
In a race against time, he was rushed to a hospital and began chemotherapy.
Many of the chemotherapy components then were new ... cutting edge. His doctor was visionary, and we held on with HOPE!
Dad is now a 25 year leukemia SURVIVOR.
He participates in Relay For Life charity events for survivors. We marked my parents' 50th wedding anniversary a few years ago, and celebrated another milestone birthday with my dad last fall.
I sat by his bedside, that summer at the hospital, watching every drop of chemotherapy, drip by drip ---- 25 years ago now!
It was a day to remember when he was released from the hospital and returned HOME.
His determination and personal courage have inspired many, including me.
I share Dad's story with you, in hopes it will encourage your son. Can't wait to see what kind of cake Dad wants for his birthday THIS year!
Look for the LIGHT, hang onto HOPE, and stay STRONG !
In 1981, Steve Perry and JOURNEY sang, "Don't Stop Believin' " and that's the theme of my message today.
Thought my dad's story might be encouraging for your son to hear,
Cyclone - Iowa State University