Posted 5/6/2020 8:17 AM (GMT -5)
That's interesting ... SHOULDER SHOT ... as long as it works, though, right?
I initially started on LUPRON, upon diagnosis. Injections in the rump, as most fellows here have reported.
LUPRON paid great dividends for me! But months later, my doctor saw some unexpected spikes and flares in my PSA. Most fellows stay on LUPRON, but my case needed a closer look.
Turns out LUPRON wasn't fully "punching out" my testosterone, so we next tried FIRMAGON.
FIRMAGON was injected in my gut. I experienced major site injection reactions, and had swelling the size of a golf ball, that stung like a hornet sting. Still those "spikes and flares" - what next, I wondered?
We ultimately tried ZOLADEX, with that injection given in the gut. Third try was the charm!
Meanwhile, PROLIA injections in the upper arm, along with flu shot.
Lab draws taken from the top of my hand each month, which is successful for me, after experiencing "chemo veins" --- we have great success drawing labs from the top of my hand or even near my wrist. Who knew?!!
We are sometimes human DART BOARDS, but as long as it's working, I will definitely keep playing darts!
Here's hoping that LUPRON shot is getting started for you right now, Howard3569!
For me, those first couple of months, LUPRON knocked my PSA down from 138 down to decimal levels, below 1.00 ! I was speechless ---- my doctor was smiling!
Keep posting! Here's to fighting the good fight!
Cyclone - Iowa State University