2019Guy said...
I think this issue has been discussed somewhere here before, but here it is again.
Are people going to dentists for anything more than emergencies? I cancelled the latest of my 3x/year cleanings in June, but as a result of damage to my salivary glands from neck rads in 2009 I need to be extra careful about mouth bacteria. My teeth are all fine, I've taken good care of them all my life, but an extraction in my situation could be very dangerous.
Sooner or later - maybe sooner - I'm gonna need a cleaning. But I'm really afraid of being in a windowless room in which others have sat with their mouths open for 45 minutes. Maybe if I could get the first appt of the day?
I think you hit the nail on the head re: a windowless room where others have had their mouths
open for what could be hours, especially if you're a later in the day appointment, and have had several ahead of you. Respiratory droplets float in the air for hours, so, to me, no matter how well the dentist office cleans, how do they deal with that? I suppose they could use different rooms - alternate patients from room to room.
I'm not going unless I've an emergency, which is easy since my dentist isn't doing any procedures, unless they are emergencies. My wife needs some work done (she has a temporary crown on) but is waiting. My son had part of a tooth come out after eating a bagel. The tooth already had a root canal, so was dead, but it was in front, so he had little choice, as he looked like a pirate, or a bum, take your pick. He just lost his job two weeks ago, and will be looking soon, missing part of a tooth doesn't cut it does it?