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While websurfing the other night I came across, quite incidentally, this image of Rafael's "Saint George Fighting the Dragon":
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/st._george_(raphael,_louvre)#/media/file:raphael_-_saint_george_fighting_the_dragon.jpg And while looking at it at the time, I actually had the odd thought for a moment that this painting could serve as a kind of allegory for all of us here. As if each of us is Saint George, the dragon is PCa, and we are all beating it down with the swords of our various treatments.
I suppose one does have strange thoughts at two o'clock in the morning.
Okay, so maybe my imagination was getting a bit carried away at the time, but I still offer this allegorical night-image as a picture of you, or of any one of us, mounted on a white charger and dispatching the evil dragon.
Indeed, a strange thought. Take it for what it is worth.
But in any case hearty congratulations on your proven persistence, success over the dragon, and for the knowledge and insight you constantly bring to the forum.