The article below from the Miami Herald sums up the recent lawsuit by Florida educators against Florida governor Ron DeSantis " ... to stop the “reckless and unsafe re
opening of schools” this fall amid Florida’s surging COVID-19 cases."
From the article:
"Florida’s top teachers’ union, joined by local educators — including one from Miami-Dade County — sued Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state education commissioner Monday to stop the “reckless and unsafe re
opening of schools” this fall amid Florida’s surging COVID-19 cases."
“He (the governor) is in intense denial ... This lawsuit is about
trying to get the governor, (and) the mayor (of Miami) to actually do their jobs and keep people safe. ... And not pit, or make people make a false choice, between education and safety.”
"The suit calls for the governor and education commissioner to drop an emergency order issued two weeks ago that called for, according to the lawsuit, “unnecessarily and unconstitutionally forcing millions of public-school students and employees to report to unsafe brick and mortar schools that should remain physically closed during the resurgence of COVID-19 in Florida.”
The Florida Department of Education has responded by calling the lawsuit "frivolous and reckless", and maintains that the governor's executive order was in reality only meant to offer a choice for educators and parents between traditional in-school education and other, likely online, options.
But apparently there has also been talk of "punitive measures" if the schools don't
open soon for in-school classes as in previous years.
As of now, the matter is unsettled, more legal action is likely to follow, and it's unclear how this is all going to play out in Florida.
But it's only one example of the kinds of pandemic-inspired lawsuits that could come to be commonplace in the near future.
The more time that passes, and the more disruption that the pandemic causes, the greater the likelihood that some people or businesses will resort to litigation against others, justified or only perceived as such, to recover their losses.
As here, an education association suing a state, or a business suing an insurance company for failure to pay for losses due to the pandemic, retailers suing supply chains for delays caused by the pandemic, the list could go on.
Possibly one rather ugly side effect of the damage and chaos being caused by the pandemic, and one that we will likely be seeing more of in coming days, unfortunately.