Hi melanie
Here are my answers
How old were you when you were first diagnosed with PCa? 44
—what was your post-RP Gleason score?
--What was your uPSA when you decided to have SRT? i.e., what was your "trigger" number?
--How many years post-RP were you when you decided to start Salvage treatment?
1 year
--Did your pathology report show positive margins?
--Did you have ADT in conjunction with SRT?
--If you took ADT, for how long before starting RT? And how long in total?
3 months
--Did you radiate the lymph nodes, too?
I think so
--What was the dosage they used for the prostate bed?
70.5 gy
--What was the dosage used for the lymph nodes (if they were radiated)
Not sure
--Did they do anything to protect the bladder or rectal wall during radiation?
Told me not to move
--Care to add any info/reasoning the doctors might have given you for any of the above choices?
We thought this would give me the best chance.
I still alive btw... im typing this message as i think out these answers
Good luck!!!