Michael_T said...
Mom of colon cancer at age 63, Dad of pancreatic cancer at age 73. Oh, and one of my brothers died of complications from a bone marrow transplant to treat a blood cancer at age 56. Sort of makes me think I should start taking social security early at age 62.
Neither of my parents had cancer (AFAIK), but with my wife and I and our two sons all having cancer, it's somewhat reassuring to know that we are not so unusual after all. Most people are unaware that approx 5% of the general population has or has had cancer, so the odds of four of us all having different cancers is not astronomical. My wife now has a recurrence of her lymphoma and decided to stop collecting spousal benefits and start taking her own social security... hoping to be able to enjoy it and not regret having postponed it until age 68.
Sorry about
your brother, Michael. My older brother died at 66 from complications after appearing to have beaten leukemia. Our doctors assure us that leukemia is not hereditary.
JNF said...
Mark Twain saying “if you don’t read a newspaper, you are uninformed. And if you do read a newspaper, your are misinformed”.
Thanks JNF, I'll have to remember that one next time some snob disses me as being ignorant because I don't read a newspaper. Being able to quote Clemens usually puts them in their place.