Kauaiboy = Check out my post in December:
https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=35&m=4229353#gsc.tab=0I am 5+ weeks out and doing well. I overdid something yesterday and my lower stomach feels like I did 100 sit ups so getting past that today. It is amazing how soft one gets when laying off workouts for a month. I walked almost every day which was no problem but in the last few weeks, when I try something new involving that part of my body, I have aches the next day. I did a bunch of arm curls with 20 lb dumbbells and my biceps were sore the next day. Just takes time and no benefit to going too fast.
My inguinal hernia just started causing me problems one day on a long walk that I have done many days. Then it happened a few days again later on a walk. There was obvious swelling in the area that went away when I laid down. Saw the doctor and he agreed that I had a hernia. Saw the urologist for 2 year checkup and he agreed I had a hernia. Saw the surgeon who had a CT done on me and he agreed that I had an inguinal hernia even though the CT did not show anything.
You really want to see a general surgeon for a hernia repair. Many general surgeons are doing hernia repairs weekly and a few specialize. They are best qualified to evaluate a hernia also as they see lots of hernia patients and fix them. Mesh repairs are pretty common and solve some problems with the older surgery methods.
The glue falls off the port holes in about
two weeks so that is when you can take a bath. Showers are fine from the beginning. The instructions are to take it real easy for 2 weeks and you should be reasonably clear at 6 weeks but to avoid any real heavy lifting. I am not sure I would be able to play 18 holes of golf at 6 weeks but then that is 120+ strokes which would wear most guys out
I think 2 months would be a better target but everyone is different just like RALP recovery. At 3 months like your previous surgeries would be no problem as far as I can tell.
As Stephen noted, the recliner chair is the best invention for surgery recovery. Just took mine back downstairs last week.