Tudpock18 said...
1. The RO mentioned patients that didn't reach nadir until 8-10 years post PBT treatment. Most of us radiated guys here went for EBRT, SBRT, HDR Brachy or LDR Brachy...and most of us reached nadir much sooner than 10 years. I thought I was a long time at 6 years. Anyway, is there anything inherently different about PBT treatment that would cause a potentially later nadir?
As clarification, my RO said "some" of his patients contined to have declining PSA 8,9,10 years post treatment. I assume he meant just a few patients. From the genral conversation we had it was clear to me that 3-5 years was the norm for nadir to be reached regardless of what type radiation was used. I think the others were exceptions.