Posted 3/16/2021 10:39 AM (GMT -5)
Hello, MG0351 ~~~
Our comrade Halbert has shared sage advice.
The pain you describe is something your doctor would want to know about.
No matter what, your doctor will want to address the pain issues you are describing.
If there are metastatic spots in one's spine, there is spot radiation that can help.
It might be the case, cancer aside, that you might simply need some physical therapy.
I will echo Halbert's wise advice --- and further advise that you telephone your oncologist's office today.
Describe your specific symptoms, the pain you are experiencing, and ask for the first available appointment.
Oncoloists can get pretty booked up ---- but they often have an appointment time or two, each day ---- for situations that arise.
Above all else --- you are experiencing pain. Your doctor will certainly want to know this today.
MG0351 --- you deserve answers and insight ---- so that your pain can be addressed, diagnosed, assessed, treated, and mitigated.
My brotherly advice today? Be assertive, be proactive --- and be your own advocate --- and ask for the earliest available appointment that they can offer you.
We're all in this together ---- fellow travelers on the road we walk together --- all of us looking out for each other.
Keep us posted ... let us know how you're faring.
Sending my encouragement, well wishes, and support!
Wanting all the VERY best for you ~~~
CYCLONE - # Iowa State University