Brian Hopkins said...
about two years ago, I had a penile implant. Some time this year I am due to have an operation that will involve a urinary catheter. My concern is that the catheter could puncture the cylinders. Is this a realistic concern? Is there an alternative to a urinary catheter that I should request. Thank you for any advice
Brian, for the catheter to penetrate you cylinders, they would 1st have to penetrate your flesh, including your urethra and corpora cavernosa. I'm thinking that is close to impossible. Catheters were a part of my work (either I put them in, or I was working next to some one else putting them in) for 40 years, and I never heard of any such thing happening. The catheter is pretty soft, and not really capable of penetrating flesh. Consider the fact that 99.9% of catheter placements don't significantly traumatize- much less penetrate- the very delicate urethra. So, I think you are good to go.