Posted 5/28/2021 4:56 PM (GMT -5)
Sorry for being a whiny b****. Apologies to Mr. Duck.
For the record, I did send a question to my uro concerning guidance on Adjuvant RT, or possible other treatments, regardless of 3 month post-op PSA. I will report back and possibly seek a second opinion. I'm 90 miles from Mayo and I've been a patient there before.
Here's the full path report. I know it is not a 'good' report, but it was good in my mind because I was afraid it was going to be worse. My primary fears were an upgrade to G9 or G10, lymph node involvement, and positive margins. I knew going in that the cancer was outside the capsule, and I knew about the SVI. So in my OP, when I said it was a 'good report', it was in that context.
So here it is and honest opinions are welcome, I don't need anyone to sugarcoat anything, but I know I still have a chance, however small, to beat this, and if not, to at least keep it at bay for a very long time.
Begin Path:
A: Prostate and seminal vesicles
B: Bilateral lymph nodes
A. Radical Prostatectomy with seminal vesicles:
(additional mTuitive synoptic report in comment section of report)
Procedure: Radical prostatectomy
Prostate Size: 4 x 4 x 3 cm
Prostate Weight: 55 gm
Lymph Node Sampling: Pelvic lymph node dissection
Histologic Type: Adenocarcinoma (acinar, not otherwise specified)
WHO Group 4 (see comment section)
Gleason Pattern:
Primary Pattern: Grade 4
Secondary Pattern: Grade 4
Tertiary Pattern: Grade 5
Total Gleason Score: 8
Tumor Quantitation
Proportion (p%) of prostatic tissue involved by tumor: 10-15%
Tumor Size (dominant nodule, if present): Greatest dimension:
2.0 cm
Extraprostatic Extension: Present: Focal. Right prostate
Seminal Vesicle Invasion: Present Right
Margins: Margins uninvolved by invasive carcinoma
Accessory Findings
Treatment Effect on Carcinoma: Not identified
Lymph-Vascular Invasion: Not identified
Perineural Invasion: Present
Pathologic Staging (pTNM)
Primary Tumor (pT): pT3b: Seminal vesicle invasion
Regional Lymph Nodes (pN): pN0: No regional lymph node metastasis
Number of Lymph Nodes Examined: 4 (Specimen "B")
Number of Lymph Nodes Involved: 0
Ancillary Studies: PSA 3.53
B. Bilateral lymph nodes:
- Negative for malignancy in four lymph nodes identified.
This case was seen in intradepartmental consultation.
The template for prost
ate cancer on needle biopsy was adapted from the
following references.
In 2016 the World Health Organization adopted a new system for grading
prostate cancer (reference 2) with the
benefits of (a) more accurate grade stratification than the current
Gleason system; (b) simplified grading
system of 5 opposed to multiple possible scores depending on various
Gleason pattern combinations; (c) lowest
grade 1 as opposed to current practice of Gleason score 6, with the
potential to reduce overtreatment of
indolent prostate cancer.
The new grading scheme correlates with the prior Gleason grading system as
Grade Group 1 = Gleason score 6 or less
Grade Group 2 = Gleason score 3+4=7
Grade Group 3 = Gleason score 4+3 = 7
Grade Group 4 = Gleason score 8
Grade Group 5 = Gleason score 9-10
(1) College of American Pathologists Cancer Protocols and Checklists, June
(2) Epstein JI, Zelefsky MJ, Jsoberg DD, et al. A contemporary prostate
ncer grading system: A validating
alternative to the Gleason score. Eur Urol (2015)
Report Name: Prostate - Radical Prostatectomy
Status: Submitted Checklist Inst: 1 Last Updated By: R David
Dexter, M.D., 05/27/2021 18:05:41
Part(s) Involved:
A: Prostate and seminal vesicles
Synoptic Report:
- Radical prostatectomy
Histologic Type:
- Acinar adenocarcinoma
Histologic Grade
Grade Group and Gleason Score:
- Grade group 4 (Gleason Score 4 + 4 = 8)
Percentage of Pattern 4: 70%
Percentage of Pattern 5: 1%
Intraductal Carcinoma (IDC):
- Not identified
Extraprostatic Extension (EPE):
- Present, focal
Urinary Bladder Neck Invasion:
- Not identified
Seminal Vesicle Invasion:
- Present
- Right
Treatment Effect:
- No known presurgical therapy
- Uninvolved by invasive carcinoma
Number of Lymph No
des Involved:
- 0
Number of Lymph Nodes Examined:
Primary Tumor (pT):
- pT3b
Regional Lymph Nodes (pN):
- pN0
CAP eCC February 2020 Annual Release
Electronically signed out by:
R David Dexter, M.D.
62 year old male with prostatic CA on prior biopsy Gleason 4+4 (U21-3585)
Two specimen containers with formalin are received labeled with the
patient's name, date of birth, and medical
record number. Information on the requisition slip, containers, and
associated labels is confirmed.
A: The specimen is designated "prostate and bilateral seminal vesicles"
consisting of a 55 g 4 x 4 x 3 cm4 cm
apex to base, 4 cm medial to lateral, 3 cm anterior to posterior prostate
with attached left and right vas
deferens and seminal vesicles. The prostate is inked as follows: Right-
blue, left- black. Please note bile
ink was inadvertently applied
to the left base prostate. The apex and
base margins are shaved, sectioned and
submitted. The remaining prostate is serially sectioned from apex to base
to reveal a yellow-tan fibrotic cut
surface with no distinct mass or lesion. Representative sections are
Summary of Sections:
A1 - right apex prostate shave, perpendicular sections
A2 - left apex prostate shave, perpendicular sections
A3 - right base prostate shave, perpendicular sections
A4 - left base prostate shave, perpendicular section (Violet ink present)
A5-A7 - right anterior prostate, submitted from apex to base
A8-A10 - right posterior prostate, submitted from apex to base
A11-A13 - left anterior prostate, submitted from apex to base
A14-A16 - left posterior prostate, submitted from apex to base
A17 - junction of prostate to right vas deferens and seminal vesicle
A18 - junction of prostate to left vas deferens and seminal vesicle
B: The specimen is designated "bilateral lymph node" consi
sting of a 5 cm
aggregate of yellow lobulated soft
tissue. Sectioning reveals five lymph nodes, ranging in size from 0.4-3.5
cm in greatest dimension. The
lymph nodes are entirely submitted.
Summary of Sections:
B1 - two lymph nodes, intact
B2-B3 - one lymph node, sectioned
B4-B5 - one lymph node, sectioned
B6-B9 - one lymph node, sectioned (Dictated by: Jenne Rempel 5/24/2021
11:22 AM)
Microscopic examination was performed. (Dictated by: R. David Dexter, MD
The technical component of this testing was completed at the University of
Minnesota Medical
Center-Fairview-University West, with the professional component performed
at the Fairview Southdale Hospital
Laboratory, 6401 France Avenue South, Edina, MN 55435-2199 (952-924-5152)
CPT Codes:
A: 88309-GM9
B: 88307-GM7
Client: FV Southdale Medical Center
location: SHOR (S)