Cyclone-ISU said...
Hello, Everton ----
Any chance your side effects with XTANDI were indicative of an allergic reaction to the medication? Just a thought that occurred to me, after reading your update.
If you pursue a new round of chemotherapy, I wonder what your doctor might think about re-trying ZYTIGA, after that?
There was the idea, some time ago, that chemotherapy can create a potential "clean slate" effect --- perhaps allowing a previous medication to perhaps work again.
Just a possible topic of conversation for you & your doctor.
My best to you ---
CYCLONE - # Iowa State University
Thanks for your reply Cyclone, I should get my Genetic testing report next week when I see my M.O.
Chemo is definitely on the table and I will ask if Zytiga is a possibility after chemo. I appreciate the knowledge and caring of this community. I will keep you folks updated.