Posted 2/14/2022 12:58 PM (GMT -5)
GH, I am going to make a few direct suggestions. If I'm overstepping forgive me. First of all, I suggest you create a signature that you can do in your profile and then make sure you include it with your posts. Include things like your age, diagnosis, Gleason score, PSA history, etc. That way we will be able to keep up and offer you our best advice based on what we know about you.
Secondly, you seem to be all over the place re what you want. That's not unusual but the way to fix it is to get more information. Last week you were set on LDR Brachy (which is best for low-medium risk patients) and today you want the triple-play (which is advised for high risk patients). I still suggest that you get your slides read by Dr. Epstein if you have not done so and get the best guidance about what you have. Then seek out docs in the various protocols you are considering so you can make a decision. If you have ruled out surgery've seen the LDR Brachy guy, now see an SBRT expert and one that is expert in HDR Brachy. Once you have seen all of those docs you should be well prepared to decide and move on. Beyond that, hopefully you have read some of the books we have suggested like, "Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer" by Dr. Walsh and Dr. Scholz' two excellent books, "Invasion of the Prostate Snatchers" and "The Key to Prostate Cancer".
Knowledge is power.
Good luck,