I've gotten a ton of good info from this forum, and hope to get some feedback on a problem I think I'm having with Trimix. I've only tried the injection twice, but from the first, I've had almost constant low grade headaches which are only eased with high dose Motrin. I rarely had headaches prior to using the Trimix. They seem to ease after a few days with no injections or sexual activity. I'm not sure if it's the Trimix or the effort put into achieving climax that is the cause. I'm using the recommended dose of .20, and so far haven't really been overjoyed with the results. The last injection gave me about 90% right off the bat and then in about 10 min. it fizzled. My uro said I could go up to .30, but with the headaches, I'm not sure if that would be wise. Anyone else having a similar reaction?