Posted 10/31/2022 2:04 PM (GMT -5)
Hello, Island ~
You already know that I met Dr. Kwon in 2015 & he doesn't run away from challenging cases.
He takes an aggressive approach, when needed. You and I both row together in that same boat.
He is avant-garde. I think of him as a "maverick" ~ in his approach.
He is famous for saying, "If we keep doing the same old things, we are going to get the same old results."
He doesn't throw protocols out the window ~ he pushes available treatments & sequences them & layers them in new and innovative ways.
You have a plan put before you.
Get the ball rolling, make the arrangements, book the appointment, get the travel bag ready, and get ready to fight cancer.
Reach out to your local doctor, but don't waver from your belief in this new plan.
I told my local doctor, "I have a new plan ~ through Dr. Kwon ~ and will need your ONGOING support, as I embark on these new treatments."
I told you Dr. Kwon is famous for his chemotherapy "cocktails."
I have traveled to Mayo Clinic. I book the hotel, pack the bag, make the arrangements, and hit the road.
I always say, "People travel thousands of miles for concerts & sporting events. Why wouldn't I travel to Minnesota when my LIFE is at stake?!"
I can sense your excitement.
You have been PROACTIVE, and that's what it takes to get an innovative plan of action going.
Dr. Kwon just energized your treatment plan! Hurray!
Keep in touch. I am rooting for you, beyond all words, Island!
CYCLONE ~ # Iowa State University