podcast (n.):
a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. (Google definition)
Of course there are lots and lots of podcasts out there on the web for all kinds of things.
(almost any subject) podcasts
and you are likely to get at least a few, and for many subjects a good number, of hits which, when clicked, take you to sites where successive clicking leads to a selection of audio presentations on the topic. Further clicking on any one of them then leads to an audio play button, which when clicked starts the presentation. Quite often all of this is free, BTW.
So naturally I googled
prostate cancer podcasts
and retrieved, indeed, a good number of hits, provided by hospitals, med schools, organizations and the like, most of which offering their audios, again, for free (just click to run them).
Here are three I selected at random (all with free podcasts), just to give a few samples of what's available out there, a "taste" of what PCa podcasts look and sound like.
Click on a link, pick a topic, click the run button, and listen to the discussion about
some aspect of PCa.
Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education:
https://med.stanford.edu/cme/learning-opportunities/prostatecancer.htmlUrology Care Foundation:
https://www.urologyhealth.org/healthy-living/urology-care-podcast/prostate-cancer-podcastsMassachusetts Prostate Cancer Coalition
https://masspcc.org/page/podcastOf course there are also lots and lots of videos about
PCa out there as well, so between these two formats, and not to mention what's available in text, there is certainly a wealth of PCa information available on the web.
So if you haven't had the experience of listening to a PCa podcast before, try out one or more of the above samples, just to see what they're like.
And knowledge wise, PCa speaking, they're just one more arrow in the quiver.