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Do you think you would watch a 5-10 minutes Introductory Video? - 0.0% - 0 votes
Is it possible that you might participate in a once per week 30 minute Zoom Class? - 0.0% - 0 votes
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Regular Member
Joined : Jul 2017
Posts : 134
Posted 3/2/2023 1:21 PM (GMT -5)
Greetings all. As you can see from my Signature I’ve taken full advantage of Western Medicine. I do think Eastern Medicine, developed empirically over thousands of years, has something to offer.
I started Acupuncture when on Abiraterone and feeling awful. I felt better and continue to see an Acupuncturist.
She called to my attention a series of exercises designed to improve circulation and the immune system.
In a couple of months my Lymphocytes increased from the 500’s to the 700’s AND feeling returned to my fingertips which had been numb since chemotherapy. I feel better when doing the exercises regularly.
She wishes to share these exercises as a public service. No money is involved. Ideally she would like to run Zoom classes going through the exercises.
My question is: How should she go about finding interested participants? I’ve told her she can’t just start with 30 minute Zoom Classes, as I didn’t think people would sign on to that. I’ve suggested she do a short Video explaining the concept and demonstrating one or two of the warm up exercises as a way to generate interest. I’ve agreed to appear in the Video, as these exercises have improved my circulation, immune function (measured by Blood Tests) and give me more energy.
I’d appreciate any thoughts on how I can help her, as she has unselfishly helped me. For example: Would you watch a 5 or 10 minute Introductory Video and keep an open mind?
Regular Member
Joined : Feb 2018
Posts : 358
Posted 3/2/2023 1:42 PM (GMT -5)
I would suggest that she contact local community education programs that offer in-person programs on many different topics, to include healthcare. Most cities and counties have them. There are usually 6 or 8 classes per program. The instructors are all local. There is a minimal cost involved for those who attend. She would just have to convince those who run the programs that what she offers would draw an interest. From there, word travels. There are so many free virtual health instruction videos on-line that the competition is enormous. Personally, I would not watch the video since I don't have the problem described. There are only so many minutes in the day. Good luck to her.
Posted 3/3/2023 3:10 AM (GMT -5)
Ditto to what TJ just said.....
ZOOM - half the people will need technical assistance to get it up and running.....and it's live... If they're late - they miss stuff.
Regular Member
Joined : Jul 2017
Posts : 134
Posted 3/3/2023 3:24 PM (GMT -5)
OK. I get it and am not surprised. It may not involve $ but that doesn’t mean it’s free; time is precious.
How about this?
VIDEO 1: A 2-3 minute Youtube which introduces the Teacher and then me and I say: I have Lab results demonstrating that my immune function improved and I know feeling return to my fingers. [I am also beating the odds of how long I am staying alive].
VIDEO 2: Six minutes introducing two or three exercises