Well I was celebrating last night due my PSA being down to 0.5.% in one year.
One year into SBRT. Gleason 3-4. Started at 4.7. 6 months 0.7 now 12 month 0.5
At this point I am satisfied I made the correct decision.
I function mostly normal.
Oh and I wanted to mention the RO used Varian Edge machine at Buffet Cancer Center in Omaha Ne Med Center
My lab bio.
Initial MRI 9/21
TECHNIQUE: Low pelvis T1 weighted imaging. High-resolution small field-of-view multi
parametric MRI the prostate gland performed with axial, coronal and sagittal
T2-weighted imaging, axial T1-weighted, diffusion imaging, ADC mapping and dynamic
contrast-enhanced imaging. 13 mL Gadavist IV contrast
The prostate is small measuring 3.5 transverse by 2.0 cm AP by 3.5 cm craniocaudal
(12.74 mL). In the left base anterolateral peripheral zone, a linear area of 80 mL
hypo intensity of restricted diffusion is noted measuring 1.4 x 0.5 cm (PI-RADS 3). No
additional areas of abnormal signal are seen in the peripheral zone. The transitional
zone is extremely small with no definable abnormal signal. Seminal vesicles are normal
in appearance. Urinary bladder is normal morphology no pathologic-appearing lymph
nodes. No abnormal bone marrow signal.
1. Prostate is within normal limits in size.
2. PI-RADS 3 lesion in the left base anterolateral peripheral zone measuring up to 1.4
3. Extremely small transitional zone with no definable abnormal signal.
MRI Fusion Biopsy 1/22
# of cores taken 17 # of positive cores 7
Greatest grade group Gleason 3+4
Right Lateral Mid: Adenocarcinoma, 0.5 of 18 mm (3%), Gleason 3+3=6, Grade Group 1
Left Mid: Adenocarcinoma, 0.5 of 19 mm (3%), Gleason 3+3=6, Grade Group 1
Left Lateral Base: Adenocarcinoma, 0.5 of 17 mm (3%), Gleason 3+4=7, Grade Group 2, (10% Pattern 4)
Left Lateral Mid: Adenocarcinoma, 0.7 of 19 mm (4%), Gleason 3+4=7, Grade Group 2, (10% Pattern 4)
Left Lesion #1 Adenocarcinoma, 6.0 of 18 mm (33%), Gleason 3+4=7, Grade Group 2, (5% Pattern 4), one core
Adenocarcinoma, 4.8 of 14 mm (34%), Gleason 3+4=7, Grade Group 2, (5% Pattern 4), one core
Adenocarcinoma, 4.6 of 10 mm (46%), Gleason 3+4=7, Grade Group 2, (5% Pattern 4), one core
Synoptic Report
Number of Positive Cores 7 Greatest Grade 2, Gleason 3+4=7
Total Cores: 17 Invasion: Pattern 4: 5%
Length of 245 mm
MRI: 1.4 cm lesion left base anterior-lateral peripheral zone
CT scan with iodine came back clean.
Bone image entire body with contrast came back with no body metastatic changes
Decipherbio genomic results independent of the NCCN risk category
0.28 In the middle of the low-risk scale 0-1
With RP or RT
5 year 1% 10 year 2.5% 15 year 4%
If I do active surveillance, PSA every 6 months, fresh biopsy in 2 years
Post Edited (DBozz) : 3/4/2023 3:56:54 PM (GMT-8)