Andyati said...
Even though the SUV score is very low at 1, it is still should be considered as the PC recurrence. In this case, is a biopsy needed? If it is resectable, should I just go ahead to do the resection and to do the pathology for the resected lung tissue later? In this way, I avoid a suffer from the biopsy procedure. What should I do?
So many questions in there.
Removing a tumor from a lung is not a walk in the park. It all depends on its
location as to how much they need to remove. Your choices are a wedgectomy (what it sounds like) , a lobectomy, or removal of one of your lungs in its entirety. A lobe is a section of a lung. Your right lung has 3 lobes, your left just 2.
On the other hand A biopsy involves a dr, called an interventional radiologist, with a needle that tries to hit the tumor through your chest wall as you are getting scanned. I was told 1cm is way to small for such an imprecise methodology, and there is risk.
There is a newer technology called robotic assisted bronchoscopy but even with that tech 1cm was too small to gather a sample.
A psma pet will light up other cancers including lung and sarcoma.
Faced with an increasing PSA and multiplying nodules, my mo decided to start me on adt. He called it a “poor mans biopsy”, which is ironic given the copays for one of the meds (xtandi in my case) is really expensive. I am hoping I get the same result as Cyclone did! If the nodules shrink/disappear then its a pca met.
If they don’t i have bigger problems.
fyi: Orgovyx is “new” form of hormone therapy and has fewer side effects compared to lupron. Its a pill, not a shot, but is more expensive.
As to what you should do?
- confirm the met with a second scan
- talk to the thoracic dr they set you up with to see what they think (is it in a good
location for a wedgectomy? How big do they need it to be before they can biopsy?
- consider a period of hormone therapy if you have to wait until the nodule gets big enough to biopsy. If it shrinks then you know it was pca and not something else and a biopsy would not be necessary.
Hope this helps.