Posted 1/11/2024 12:26 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Glen,
He was put on Lupon before starting chemo to get testosterone level down, because ductal prostate cancer really thrives on the hormone. Even though there was a lot of cancer in the area, about the only place that didn't have cancer was in his testicles. His prostate, bladder, seminal vessels, urethra, both ureters, prostate urethra, rectum wall, and multiple lymph nodes all had cancer in or around them. After successful rounds of chemo, Danny had surgery that removed his prostate, bladder, vessels, testicles, multiple lymph nodes, part of ureters and urethras were all removed. We knew there would be consequences by doing this, but we also thought it would help fight this beast. You have to realize that at the time, we were really more worried about Danny living than what would happen in the future because survival of ductal prostate cancer after 5 years is very slim.
Knowing what we know now, would we do the same strategy???? Yes we would!!! When he was first diagnosed we didn't have any optimism that he would live longer than a year or two. In fact, we had a radiation oncologist tell us at Duke that he wouldn't do any treatment at all because of the extensiveness of the cancer and what he was going to have to go thru.....that was unacceptable to us. So we ventured to MD Anderson and have been fighting ever since. Some days the fight is harder than others, but we are still fighting.