Patient Perceptions of Standardized Risk Language Used in American College of Radiology Prostate MRI PIRADS Scores (2024)
Prostate MRI reports utilize standardized language to describe risk of clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) from “equivocal”(PI-RADS 3), “likely”(PI-RADS 4), to “highly-likely”(PI-RADS 5). These terms correspond to risks of 11%, 37%, and 70% according to AUA guidelines, respectively. We assessed how men perceive risk associated with standardized PI-RADS language.MethodologyWe conducted a crowdsourced survey of 1,204 men matching a US prostate cancer demographic. We queried participants’ risk perception associated with standardized PI-RADS language across increasing contexts: words-only, PI-RADS-sentence, full-report, and full-report-with-numeric-estimate. Median perceived risk (IQR) and absolute under/overestimation compared with AUA standards were reported. Multivariable linear mixed effects analysis identified factors associated with accuracy of risk perception.
ResultsMedian perceived risks of csPCa (IQR) for the word-only context were “equivocal” 50%(50-74), “likely” 75%(68-85), and “highly-likely” 87%(78-92), corresponding to +39%, +38%, +17% overestimation, respectively. Median perceived risks for the PI-RADS-sentence context were 50%(50-50), 75%(68-81), and 90%(80-94) for PI-RADS 3,4,and 5, corresponding to +39%, +38%, +20% overestimation, respectively. Median perceived risks for the full-report context were 50%(35-70), 72%(50-80), and 84%(54-91) for PI-RADS 3,4,and 5, corresponding to +39%, +35%, +14% overestimation, respectively. For the full-report-with-numeric-estimate context describing a PI-RADS 4 lesion, median perceived risk was 70%(50-80), corresponding to +33% overestimation. Including numeric estimates increased correct perception of risk from 3% to 11% (p<0.001), driven by men with higher numeracy (OR1.24,p=0.04).
Men overestimate risk of csPCa associated with standardized PI-RADS language regardless of context, especially for PI-RADS 3 and 4 lesions. Changes to PI-RADS language or data sharing policies for imaging reports should be considered."----------------------------------------
Interesting, but IMO not
that reassuring--if you have a PI-RADS 3 or higher lesion you're headed for a biopsy, and AFAIK, you can't just dial down your level of worry. I think they should add the risk percentages in parentheses--I don't think you can convey the nuances of risk with language alone.