Touchdown said...
could really use a place with people in the trenches with me
Well, then, you found it! This will be a good site to frequent, as there are many guys here, esp. 3+4 s like you and me, who have turned the situation into something that just has to be managed, rather than something worse.
First, realize that of U.S. men, 13 out of 100 will get this disease, but only 2 or 3 will die of it (CDC stats).
Second, "waiting to hear" is a real pain with this disease. Waiting for MRI result, PET scan, insurance approval, PSA test result, etc. So patience will be key. I'm a pretty anxious person, but over time have just learned to relax about
it. The anxiety doesn't help things along. So unless you feel someone is falling down on the job (lab result, doctor's office scheduling, etc.), just kinda go with the flow.
I would recommend in the meantime getting a copy of Dr. Patrick Walsh's hardcover or e-book, "Dr. Patrick Walsh's Guide to Surviving Prostate Cancer". Read it cover to cover. Start asking questions to fill in the blanks.
The people on this forum will be very helpful.