I figured my comment would draw these responses.
So, here is how I see it....J.H. pathology department is how would I put it, extremely compromised now. It is obvious that when a pathologist at J.H. has a diagnosis challenged by, and I would bet my life on it and did, the best pathologist in the world they get their feelings hurt and cry they are being bullied. You now have to suspect any diagnosis coming from them as possibly being wrong due to the fact that even if they are still "faking" peer review of each others work, anyone speaking up will be accused of bullying.....and you are simple if you don't think other pathologists aren't thinking that.
They all know that if J.H. ran out the best pathologist in the world that J.H. would run anyone else out as well. For all we know, and I would bet $1m on Epstein, that he was right and the snowflake that complained was actually wrong. I can only imagine the thoughts in Epstein's head at the time...."Oh, I am sorry I hurt your feelings, but your mis-diagnosis might kill someone....so I don't care about
your feelings...go complain if you want." So, it is extremely obvious that J.H. now prioritizes feelings over a correct diagnosis. I would not have cared how well Epstein "played in the sandbox" with other doctors. I never would have run him out.....fools.
To each his own, but I would no longer trust anything coming out of J.H. as you have no idea if the work was reviewed and then actually challenged if need be.
Can you imagine in the future there....."The pathologist said you have cancer, we know they are wrong but we didn't want to hurt their feelings so your going to have to take cemo anyway."
Good Luck!
Post Edited (ChrisR) : 7/14/2024 4:15:58 PM (GMT-8)