A kind of public service announcement (that other PSA) I came across recently.
Something sponsored by Prostate Cancer UK, apparently meant to raise PCa awareness in a humorous, musical way.
Okay, I get it. Use humor, music, etc. to get the word out. Good thing to do.
But maybe sometimes the effort backfires, and the product that is put out is, well, rather than being funny or entertaining, it's instead just kind of weird. Or even creepy.
At least that was my own reaction to the short little video below, Prostate Cancer UK support notwithstanding.
I think the makers of it meant well, get out the word about
PCa and all that, but watching it frankly made me cringe a little bit.
Or maybe it's just me. Maybe others will actually find it delightful and amusing.
Watch it, and then express your own feeling about
it in the survey above, if you wish, and we'll see that the consensus is.
But at least I'll give them credit for trying. It's always commendable to get out word about
the beast, raise awareness and all.
Even if how it's done may sometimes cause a little head-scratching.