I finally got my PSMA scan. I was wanting this 3+ years ago as my PSA was rising but bone and CT and even Auxumin scans continued to show nothing. (I was hoping for a spot or 2 that could be radiated). But it was not available here then. Finally, I was diagnosed stage 4/distant mets with the plain old bone/CT scans, strangely just a few months after the second Auxumin scan still showed nothing. (fall of 21)
Also, after my rapidly rising PSA went undetectable only about
30 days after being diagnosed and starting Orgovix and Erleada, they only repeated scans every 12 months(as long as PSA did not rise). But they stuck with bone and CT scans, which I have had 2 more of since diagnoses.
Each one improved very significantly compared to the previous. The time for the 3rd was approaching, but out of the blue they scheduled me for a PSMA a few months early. I had that done yesterday.
I had been fantasizing about
getting a NED(no evident disease), or the equivalent. I know cancer patients occasionally get a report like that, but I still did not. Still, it seems to me to be an extremely favorable report. After researching what the SUV numbers mean, I am on the verge of concluding on my own that what my numbers mean, along with having undetectable PSA for almost 3 years,
is that I am NED. I would love to have some opinions on that, yay or nay.I have one spot at the cervical/thoracic spine junction which is either new, or undetected on previous less sensitive scans,
and has an SUV# of 4.5. The radiologist calls it
indeterminate, possibly cancer or arthritis. I was surprised to see that this test can highlight arthritis, but that is what the doctor wrote. There is nothing else that I can see. All of the major spots(spine/arm) which lit up previous scans are not even mentioned. Lymph nodes are showing nothing. I will add more in next post. I’d love some of your thoughts.
Post Edited (BillyBob@388) : 9/5/2024 5:22:50 PM (GMT-4)