island time said...
One thing he did say that always made me laugh and never failed to put things into perspective for me. He’d always say to me, “Dave, you just need to accept the fact that it’s only going to get worse from here”. lol. It may sound depressing, but…when accepted, things suddenly don’t seem so bad. I think it helps me because it brings me back into today. And, at least for tonight, I’m “OK”. 😊. (Except for this PSA test I have coming up. They always seem to evoke what I like to refer to as “acute” anxiety. lol)
Dave, I feel you on this. I realized a while ago, hey, something bad is gonna happen at some point in the future, and at age 73, probably not the too distant future. So just deal with it, accept it. Not gonna say I don't get nervous around test time (I have a ct scan coming up Thursday, repeat Urogram to check a large cyst on my kidney that was found a year ago as an incidental finding, and I have butterflies), but it becomes easier to deal with stuff, when you just accept the fact that your getting older and sh!t is gonna happen.
Maybe we will finally meet up in Florida this year? (if there is a Florida)