Posted 11/29/2024 9:39 AM (GMT -5)
Cowboys Tex and Buck both keep their horses in the same corral.
To help tell them apart, Tex shaves his horse’s mane short and Buck shaves his horse’s tail short. Unfortunately, after a while the horses' mane and tail grow back.
Tex then ties a red ribbon to his horse’s tail and Buck ties a blue ribbon to his horse’s tail. But unfortunately, a few days later the ribbons fall off.
Despairing, Tex says, “How will we ever be able to tell our horses apart?”
Buck thinks for a moment, and then says, “I know! Maybe I could measure how tall they are, and that will tell us whose horse is whose!”
"Great idea!" Tex says, whereupon Buck leaves to go measure how tall the horses are.
Shortly he returns and says, “Good news! The height measuring worked! The white horse is a foot taller than the black one!”