RTomasi said...
Mumbo, part of my question is going to be, if we’re going to do CyberKnife, would I just do it here, or use those who are the best at it, even in they’re several trips away? (What I’ve heard/read is to find the very best you can get at whatever treatment you ultimately choose, and go to them.)
I think physical treatments like surgery and brachytherapy require significant skill and experience. The beam radiation treatments require a different type of team skill set which is based largely on the RO, technicians, and equipment involved. The RO actually only makes the plan and others check the plan and carryout the treatments. It is also important to have doctor's you like and trust at
locations that makes sense. SBRT is pretty quick as as noted above so only a couple of weeks out of your life.
Cleveland Clinic and UCLA have a good SRBT program with respected doctors that I have read about
. I am sure there are others but those come to mind. I am sure Mayo and MD Anderson can do a good job as well. There is nothing to say that the doctors you are seeing would not do a good job also. Tough decisions.