Thank you KW, PianoMan,and BlueBird. I appreciate your responses and amd grateful for your support.
Ok, Sorry Ive been a little slow at posting but have been in one the the bad spells ( feeling sick) Im still a little shakey but will try to cary this a little further. Good days bad days yesterday and today were not so good days.
Cont from first post: After I got home feeling like a champ for getting out of the hospital about 2 am wound up in the ER due to my heart accelerating to 200 bpm and blood pressure up to 190 0ver 110. They found out that I was having a reaction to vicadan pain killers. Any way they got it settled down and I got back home about 6 am. Exhausted sick and feeling bad was really mad at taking the early out from the hospital. I suffered all that day with severe pains in penis and testicles from catheter as well as severe swelling of the testicles etc. Was really panicked at my penis. I was not very big in the first place but this was totaly rediculous < sp. I am circumsized and my penis was gone up inside my skin pulled clear back to almost pubic. And it hurt. Looked like a tennis ball with a turtle neck sweater on. :) I cleaned the area well and lubed the cath tube with some neo sporin cream and was able to pull it back out to where I could see it again. Had to do the several times for first week to see him. It was bad as i could not pee well with him up inside. just trickle and drip. So had several I guess i could call the anxiety attacks as manay strange feelings and things happening to me in first week If it had not been for my wife I think I might have got stupid and done myself in. I mean I was totaly blind to the things that little walnut size organ can cause when removed. Pain on 1 to 10 scale at least 6 to 8. It totaly imobilized me at times. Could hardly eat with out hours of wanting to heave. No position was comfortable recliner , bed on couch laying down side back in chair. AND no pain pills due to reactioin only tylonol. I have a good pain threshold but this took me over the top. I didnt hurt this much when i got shot in the army. Had several bad time with catheter pain but dut to diligent maintanace cleaning and lubing with neosporin and drinking a gallon plus of water after about 4 days got to a acceptable level of pain. Im probably going overboard with all this descriptive details but it applies to what I will be askiing later so bear with me.
Well after all that I made it to the catheter removal days. I think if I had know how to deflate the little balloon I woud have saved the trip about 5 days ago. :) Thank the Lord I was afraid to pull out a catheter with inflated balloon. :) .
Ok here begins my concerns list that I would like comments on.
1. When catheter was removed I was dry with no leakage except for a little fluid injected by doctor. ( I was thrillled ) He checked me over and seemed satisified that all was well so I didnt panic. ( my first lesson on taking advantage of the situation. ) I was happy catheter was out so I didnt bother to ask about the problems I had with it and the illnesse etc. WAS so glad to be free and felt all would be well from here on as pains were sort of bearable. SITUATON : Got home ok wearing my first pad and whity tighties. Was almost dry except for a little dampness where penis was. 4 hours later still no urine. Finally felt a little need to go to bathroom 5 mns of dribble dribble and notice my anus hurt severly. ( oh fogot had to sit to even get the dribble wouldnt do nothing standing up ) also only way I even got the dribble was I needed to pass gas and had to strain due to sore anus ( felt like anus was glued shut to had to really strain as gas passed dribble started up. After that only time I would pee was when I was taking bowel movement. Made mental note to call doc next day. I put on my depends pull ups at bed time and pain was low so fell asleep and actually slept fairley well ..... almost about 3 am ( went to bed at around midnight) woke up diaper full bed soaked wife soaked etc. We got up and while she changes sheets ( had a nice bed protector so no damage to bed. ) I took a shower and put on new diaper. back to bed again. Almost every hour from 4 till 6 when I gave up trying to sleep it hosed us down. I love my patient wife at this point. Was really dissapointed. I FINALLY felt the full brunt force of incontenence. But during the day still had to sit and strain like having a bowel movemen to dribble. ( guess it didnt dribble but hosed when I was asleep ). Im at 3 weeks now 1 week post catheter and even though I can stand and pee I still have to push like passing gas or bowel movement to get a weak stream going. I have on rare occassion had a good stream and was able to keagle and stop flow 3 times but only rarely.
Question > AM I just being anxious and this can be considered normal? Or should I have better flow at this point ? Could the having to push hard and anal pain be due to the fact that I have hemmoroids that flare on occasion. I have had times I can pass gas and not pee and no pain but not many. Also I have pains for no reason betweek penis and right at point where penis runs into scrotom and get lots of sharp pains there. Mostly when having to push to pee. Pain is in both the scrotum and Penis.
Whew on out in the open now :)
Ok Is it normal to still have pain in the perineural area when standing up and some times when turning over while lying down.
Have at times lost some mobility of left leg. Can walk and stand fine but if I am laying down can not lift leg stiff straight up at all lots of pain in groin. can not move leg to right laying down can move left but not right. ( possible nerve problem ? didnt have before surgery )
Stomach is constantly upset ( light feeling of wanting to trow up but not doing it)
Light headiness, Hot Flashes, Sensitivity to heat and cold, Flushing of skin ( creepy crawlies ), and occasional cramps in legs and stomach ( < I feel these are normal but wanted to express it anyway )Ill let everyone ponder on this for now as it is most of it.
Maybe Im just turning into a hypochondriac or big baby but It is causing me concern. I do forget Im only 3 weeks out from what is rated as one of the hardest surgerical recoveries other tban transplants. God bless.... I need a break again . a fellow in pain telstar
Also forgive my typo's ( my second language ) spelling and grammer but Im just too tired to edit and fix it all :)