Thanks Norskie, That was what I needed to hear. I am learning to forget time frames in recovery as it is mosts definatley different for eachh one of us. You hit it on the head a warm feeling sometimes its a false alarm sometimes not. I to am able to hold it and let it pass but about the third time I hold it back a few mins later I have to make the dash VIEW IMAGE. Im getting more confident each day and I guess I should never complain as having read some of the other posts I do now consider myself very lucky. Not that it cant happen any time but not do dwell on it before anything does happen. Very true on the good times bad times. At least I seem to have more good days than bad now, just seems evertime I want to do something fun I get a bad time VIEW IMAGE . But dealing with it. I dont feel so alone with the incontenance now that you posted again thanks.
God Bless