hi everyone
i havnt posted in a long time but i check in every so often . i just wanted to say how my father aged 69 is doing as it might help some one else . i found this sight over three years ago as i was frantic with worry when my dad was diagnosed with pc .my mother died suddenly and within months my dad was going through this. to cut a long story short yesterday he got a 0.04 result . this is his second 0 and he does not have to be back for six months . we are delighted . when we first heard the word cancer it was stress . i could not think of anything else .the first psa he had was 12.6 with gleason 7. he had the op to remove the prostate and after two weeks recovery on his next visit his psa was an 8 , gleason score was an 8 and the cancer stage was t2c. the doc said it was aggressive so he had 7 weeks of radiation with no side effects except tired coming near the end of treatment and he is on hormones for life . he is also taking calciam and vitamin d for life as the hormone injections can make the bones dense. yeahhhhhhhhh i am so happy
i hope this information will help someone else . if it wasnt for this forum i would never had understood the lingo the docs use .i am so gratefullfor all of you .
best wishes on your journey
petal x