With one nerve bundle removed in surgery, and the other one left, intact and damaged, the Radiation Oncologist was totally baffled and amazed at my sexual condition. He said it made no medical senses whatsoever that I do not or have not suffered from any ED, right from the beginning. He said it didn't seem even possible.
I assured him that I was not lying or stretching the truth, that as soon as that last of 5 catheter's came out, I was able to have errections on my own, and have ever since. As an update, I am easily at 100% in size and duration pre-surgery levels. The only difference I really see, is that I can't seem to get arroused by any visiual stimulation like I could in the past, and it does take a lot more physical stimulation at times, but never to the point of losing or almost losing an errection.
For all I have been through, I guess that was my "golden egg". The dr. said that my situation in that department was extremely rare. And I agree. And I am still thankful that something worked right.
David in SC
PS For you newer friends, that's why you never see me weigh in on the ED questions, or sex drug, pumps, penile implants questions, etc. I don't have any experience or stories to tell.
PSS Also I will add this to the newest friends out of surgery, and when you are thinking about future orgasms, etc.
As the months have rolled by, I can honestly say, that the orgasms I experienced are at least as twice as long in duration as anything I had ever had pre-surgery, and sometimes at a depth that would be hard to quantify. Once you get over the thought of an ejaulate free orgasm, just concentrate on the feeling good part. I know this won't sound scientific, but I will say what I feel, it's like now when I look back to pre-surgery sex, the ejaculate was actually dampening or watering down in a sense the fullness of the orgasm feeling. Now there is nothing in the way, and it can be so deep in feeling that it is almos over whelming. Also, my sex drive is no longer dictated (what a good word, lol) by a build up of ejaculate waiting to be released, I pretty well have sex anytime I want on my terms, not what the body is saying down below. Hope some of that makes sense.