I did my set up yesterday for SRT to begin in few weeks but I had something done that I haven't heard of any one else having so far.
While doing the CT scan, they inserted a small rode up my rectum, the rod had a baloon on the end of it which they filled with water, once it was in place the baloon supposedly pushed the bladder away from the area they are planning to radiate. This process will happen each time I go in for SRT, they said they do it with all of their prostate guys because it completely eliminates any complications post radiation. Although it was a little uncomfortable, it wasn't unbearable and was quick to insert. Anyone with any similar experiences or guys that have had SRT or are having it now I'd appreciate your input.
On a little different topic, I never realized how much this disease has changed my view of things but here's an example:
As all of the salvage guys know, a catherter is placed in the penis before the CT exam to see exactly what the fluid amount is prior to the CT, well I drew two beautiful 30 something ladies to place the catheter in, in my prior life I would have paid big money to have a blonde and brunette love godess stand ove me and handle "woody" but when i looked up through the pain of having the catheter inserted to see two beautful babes sweating like a couple of pigs trying to get it inserted the romance went out the window and the pain took over again. When I got home and told my wife the story she just chuckeled and said: "Experience counts"
Life has changed.