Todays zap was a bit more uneventul, this was the one third point. Took about
30 minutes this time, which is an improvement.
Met after with my radiation oncologist, she laughed when I told her it was exactly 1/3rd done, she said no one had ever broke it down like that to her. Told her I was an accountant.
She has written orders to include me in a new re-hab program they have going while you are going through RT and SRT, instead of waiting for the faituge to get you later. She said it would involve two meetings a week with physical therapist well versed on RT patients, even ones with catheters like me. Could be intersting, as the faitgue is building up day by day.
She said for RT as a primary treatment, they like to wait 6 months after the end to do the first PSA. But for SRT, she wants to get the first reading one month after it ends.
I asked if there was anything in particular she monitors once a treatment has began ,and she not really, and even if she did, she said it wouldn't change the plan or the schedule.
A couple of patients finished their treatments while I was there today, and they give them certificates and good wishes from the rest of us.
David in SC